Thomas Espitau

lead researcher @pqshield

.about & misc

I pursued my Ph.D. in algorithmic number theory and cryptography at Sorbonne University in Paris, advised by prof. Antoine Joux and prof. Pierre-Alain Fouque. I then joined NTT laboratories in Tokyo, Japan. I joined the PQShield research team in 2023.

I am an enthusiastic surfer and freeride skier. Please drop me a line if you need some infos/tips/guiding on the best hidden gems of Japanese mountains and Erdős number is 3 (by Joux>>Odlyzko>>Erdős)

.: news

  • I am in Singapore for the month of July , visiting Divesh Aggrawal's group at NUS.

  • I was organising a summer school for PEPR PQ-TLS in Biarritz, France in June.

  • check this interview I gave for Quanta magazine on recent progresses on the LLL algorithm by Nadia and Keegan!

  • our paper "On Gaussian sampling, smoothing parameter & application to signatures" won the best paper award 🏆 at Asiacrypt 2023!

.: (some) recent publications

.: (some) selected talks

.: research interests

  • geometry of numbers and lattices (theta functions, discrete geometry, Arakelov theory on F1)

  • (algorithmic) number theory (reduction of vector bundles over arithmetic curves curves, effective Arakelov)

  • lattice-based cryptography (cryptanalysis, threshold cryptography, secure implementation)

.: projects

.: students

  • Sara Sahraee | Master student, 2024-

  • Георгій Пляцок (Georgii Platsiok) | Ph.D student, 2024-

  • Guilhem Niot | Master student, 2023

Have a look at the careers page of PQShield. We are looking for excellent permanent as well as PhD/post-doctoral researchers to work within our research team. Funding is available. I am also looking for very talented interns (master or PhD students). Please send your resume and background!

© 2024 thomas espitau


I pursued my Ph.D. in algorithmic number theory and cryptography at Sorbonne University in Paris, advised by prof. Antoine Joux and prof. Pierre-Alain Fouque. I then joined NTT laboratories in Tokyo, Japan. I joined the PQShield research team in 2023.

I am an enthusiastic surfer and freeride skier. Please drop me a line if you need some infos/tips/guiding on the best hidden gems of Japanese mountains and Erdős number is 3 (by Joux>>Odlyzko>>Erdős)

.: phd thesis

Algorithmic aspects of algebraic lattices. (Aspects algorithmiques des réseaux algébriques) 2020, Sorbonne University.
Prepared under the supervision of Prof. Pierre Alain Fouque and Prof. Antoine Joux

.: publication list, by year



  • 29.On Gaussian Sampling, Smoothing Parameter and Application to Signatures (with A .Wallet, Y. Yu) | Asiacrypt 2023 Best paper Award

  • 28.Antrag: Annular NTRU Trapdoor Generation: Making Mitaka as Secure as Falcon (with T. Nguyen, C. Sun, M. Tibouchi, A. Wallet) Asiacrypt 2023

  • 27.Finding short integer solutions when the modulus is small (with L. Ducas, E. Postlethwaite) Crypto 2023

  • 26.Square Unstructured Integer Euclidean Lattice Signature (with G. Niot, C. Sun, M. Tibouchi) Submission to the NIST’s post-quantum cryptography standardization process 2023

  • 25.Recursive lattice reduction--A framework for finding short lattice vectors (with D. Aggarwal, S. Peters, N. Stephens-Davidowitz)


  • 24.Shorter hash-and-sign lattice-based signatures (with M. Tibouchi, A. Wallet, Y. Yu) Crypto 2022

  • 23.Mitaka: a simpler, parallelizable, maskable variant of falcon (with P. Fouque, F. Gérard, M. Rossi, A. Takahashi, M. Tibouchi, A. Wallet, Y. Yu) Eurocrypt 2022

  • 22.Guessing bits: improved lattice attacks on (EC)DSA with nonce leakage (with C. Sun, M. Tibouchi, M. Abe) IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2022


  • 21.Towards Faster Polynomial-Time Lattice Reduction (with P Kirchner, P-A Fouque) Crypto 2021


  • 20.Fast Reduction of Algebraic Lattices over Cyclotomic Fieldsn (with P Kirchner, P-A Fouque) Crypto 2020

  • 19.Certified lattice reduction (with A. Joux) Adv. Math. Commun

  • 18.On a Dual/Hybrid Approach to Small Secret LWE - A Dual/Enumeration Technique for Learning with Errors and Application to Security Estimates of FHE Schemes (with N. Karchenko, A. Joux) Indocrypt 2020


  • 17.Relational ⋆⋆ tar-Liftings for Differential Privacy(with G. Barthe, B. Grégoire, T. Sato, P-Y. Strub) [Log. Methods Comput. Sci.]

  • 16.GALACTICS: Gaussian Sampling for Lattice-Based Constant-Time Implementation of Cryptographic Signatures, Revisited(with G. Barthe, S. Belaïd, P. Fouque, B. Grégoire, M. Rossi, M. Tibouchi) Eurocrpyt 2019


  • 15.Proving expected sensitivity of probabilistic programs. (with G. Barthe, B. Grégoire, J. Hsu, P-Y. Strub ) POPL 2018

  • 14.Loop-Abort Faults on Lattice-Based Signature Schemes and Key Exchange Protocols (with P-A. Fouque, B. Gerard, M. Tibouchi) IEEE Trans. Computers

  • 13.LWE Without Modular Reduction and Improved Side-Channel Attacks Against BLISS(with J. Bootle, C. Delaplace, P. Fouque, M. Tibouchi) Asiacrypt 2018

  • 12.An Assertion-Based Program Logic for Probabilistic Programs(with G. Barthe, M. Gaboardi, B. Grégoire, J Hsu, P-Y Strub:) ESOP 2018

  • 11.Masking the GLP Lattice-Based Signature Scheme at Any Order(with G. Barthe, S. Belaïd, P. Fouque, B. Grégoire, M. Rossi, M. Tibouchi) Eurocrypt 2018


  • 10.Side-channel attacks on BLISS lattice-based signatures: Exploiting branch tracing against strongswan and electromagnetic emanations in microcontrollers (with P. Fouque, B. Gérard, M. Tibouchi) CCS 2017

  • 9.Liftings for differential privacy (with G. Barthe, J. Hsu, T. Sato, P. Strub) ICALP 2017

  • 8.Computing Generator in Cyclotomic Integer Rings - A Subfield Algorithm for the Principal Ideal Problem in LΔ(½) and Application to the Cryptanalysis of a FHE Scheme (with JF Biasse, PA Fouque, A Gélin, P Kirchner) hard merge Eurocrypt 2017

  • 7.Proving expected sensitivity of probabilistic programs (with G. Barthe, B. Grégoire, J. Hsu, P. Strub) POPL 2017


  • 5.Loop-abort faults on lattice-based fiat-shamir and hash-and-sign signatures (with P. Fouque, B. Gérard, M. Tibouchi) SAC 2016

  • 4.Synthesizing probabilistic invariants via Doob’s decomposition (with G. Barthe, L. Ferrer Fioriti, J. Hsu) CAV 2016

  • 3.Formal Certification of Randomized Algorithms (with G. Barthe, M. Gaboardi, B. Grégoire, J. Hsu, P. Strub) Preprint 2016


  • 2.Relational reasoning via probabilistic coupling (with G. Barthe, B. Grégoire, J. Hsu, L. Stefanesco, P. Strub) LPAR 2015

  • 1.Higher-Order Differential Meet-in-The-Middle Preimage Attacks on SHA-1 and BLAKE (with P-A. Fouque, P. Karpman) Crypto 2015

.: unpublished manuscripts

  • -1.Quantum binary quadratic form reduction (with N. David, A. Hosoyamada) 2022

  • -2.Algebraic and Euclidean Lattices: Optimal Lattice Reduction and Beyond (with P-A. Fouque and P. Kirchner) 2019

  • -3.Random integer lattices, theory and practice (with Y. Aono, P. Nguyen) 2018

  • -4.Proving uniformity and independence by self-composition and coupling (with G. Barthe, B. Grégoire, J. Hsu, P. Strub) 2017

© 2024 thomas espitau

Ripley Creek, British Columbia, march 2024

Hakuba valley, Japan, feb 2023

Niseko, Hokkaido, jan 2022

Anglet, La Barre june 2024

© 2024 thomas espitau